Here at the ESCA offices we can't believe it's July already! We thought that today we'd share with you some of the things that have been keeping us busy this summer.
First, we have secured a spot and the Monterey Peninsula College Farmer's Market. Come out and see us on July 31, August 21, and September 25. We'll be there from 10 AM - 2 PM. We hope you'll stop by and say hello.
On Saturday, July 18 we'll be participating in the Army's Mobile Workshop and Open House. Come out and learn about both the ESCA RP and Army remediation programs. There are also two scheduled Bus Tours at 10 AM and 11:45 AM.
We have quite a few documents coming out in July. Watch this blog, the Document Under Review section of this website, and our facebook site for announcements. Our new website continues to evolve. Come back often to see new features and additions.