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FORA ESCA RP Hosts Jurisdiction Land Use Controls Training Seminar

As the time for transferring FORA ESCA RP properties to the local jurisdictions draws closer, components of the selected remedy will become the responsibility of the local jurisdictions. These responsibilities are documented in the Records of Decision (Group 2, Group 3, IAR) and the Land Use Control Implementation Plan/Operation & Maintenance Plan.

FORA ESCA RP hosted a day-long training seminar in February, to help jurisdictions prepare to carry out these obligations. The seminar provided participants with Fort Ord’s military and ESCA RP munitions cleanup history and facts, Land Use Controls overview and implementation responsibilities, FORA’s supporting role, and the legal authorities binding all jurisdictions.

The Land Use Controls Implementation Training Seminar slides are divided into seven individual modules and can be viewed online or downloaded. The Training Seminar was video-taped and will be uploaded. FORA ESCA RP will be providing local jurisdictions with individualized information and additional training sessions during ESCA property transfer.

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