Are you interested in a certain technical document related to the FORA ESCA Remediation Program (RP) and don't know exactly where to look? There are a few places you can look:
1. The most extensive collection of all the FORA ESCA RP documents is on the Army's Administrative Record: http://fortordcleanup.com/documents/administrative-record/. There you can read about the official record keeping process and click on the link for "Document Search" to find FORA ESCA RP documents. Unless you know the exact name of the document you wish to find, the easiest way to search is to click on the tab labled "By Document Number", enter the search term ESCA*. This will bring up all the FORA ESCA RP documents on file in the Administrative Record.
2. The ESCA RP also maintains a list of all Final Approved Documents, Documents Under Review, and Upcoming Documents on its website: http://www.foraescarp.com/. In the Documents Under Review section there are instructions for commenting on ESCA RP documents.
3. If you'd prefer to see the ESCA RP documents in person you can visit the Administrative Record at the Army's BRAC Office, 4463 Gigling Road, Ord Military Community, Seaside, CA 93955. Call for hours: 831-393-9693.
The FORA ESCA RP website maintains an up-to-date list of Documents Under Review and Upcoming Documents. Visit the website and check the blog for announcements of documents ready for review.