What's Happening Along General Jim Moore Boulevard?

If you drive along the southern portion of General Jim Moore Boulevard recently you may have recently noticed some activity out in the field along the road. At the behest of then California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) the FORA ESCA Remediation Program (FORA ESCA RP) is doing additional munitions investigation, verification, and quality control work in 46 acres of the Seaside Munitions Response Area (MRA).
UXO technicians will be cutting brush, roping off survey lanes, and utilizing digital geophysical equipment to map the entire 46 acre area to confirm that all suspected munitions were located and removed in the previous investigation. The data gathered from the mapping process will be analyzed and any munitions related items will be investigated and removed.
Once this process is complete FORA ESCA RP will document the results and submit them to DTSC for review and they will determine the next steps. Further details, and a map of the area, are contained on slides 7 and 8 of the most recent FORA ESCA RP Army Bus Tour and TRC presentation. We will also be holding an Informal Community Workshop on May 10, 2017 at 6 PM in the Marina Carpenters Union Hall where we will present all available information and answer any questions.
As work progresses FORA ESCA RP will post updates on this blog.