FORA ESCA Properties and Proposed Future Land Uses
The ESCA RP munitions field work is winding down and though there are still a number of documents to be written, we are getting closer to transferring the ESCA properties to designated local jurisdictions. The map below illustrates the types of uses that are envisioned for FORA ESCA RP properties. There are four major categories of proposed future reuse: residential (yellow), non-residential (pink), habitat (green), and habitat corridors (green with cross-hatch).
It's important to remember that final land use decisions are the responsibility of the jurisdiction to which the property is transferred. For a more detailed discussion of future reuse on the former Fort Ord, please see the FORA Base Reuse Plan (BRP) and the subsequent 2012 Reassessment of the BRP.
A larger version of this map can be viewed in the Documents and Maps section of the FORA ESCA RP website: