ESCA RP Documents Under Review - Update
Currently there are two ESCA RP documents our for review and comment: 1. Draft Land Use Controls Implementation Plan/Operation &...
FORA ESCA Properties and Proposed Future Land Uses
The ESCA RP munitions field work is winding down and though there are still a number of documents to be written, we are getting closer to...
ESCA RP Documents Under Review
Currently there are three ESCA RP documents out for public review and comment: 1. Draft Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study...
Informal Community Workshop: What's New at the FORA ESCA Remediation Program
Join FORA on Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:30 PM for an Informal Community Workshop. At this workshop we'll be presenting the latest...
What's Happening Along General Jim Moore Boulevard?
If you drive along the southern portion of General Jim Moore Boulevard recently you may have recently noticed some activity out in the...
Guided Bus Tour at Former Fort Ord
The FORA ESCA RP will be participating in the Army's Open House and Bus Tour and we invite all of our friends to join us. On Saturday, 25...
STAY INFORMED: Trail Access Status for Parker Flats on Former Fort Ord
As we head into the Labor Day Weekend, it's a good time to get reacquainted with public access on FORA ESCA RP properties. If you are...
FORA ESCA RP Informal Community Workshop
The Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) ESCA RP will hold it's second Informal Community Workshop of the year on Wednesday, 14 September...
DOCUMENT REVIEW: Draft Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report, Future East Garrison Munit
The Draft Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report for the Future East Garrison Munitions Response Area (MRA) is now available...
Two new technical docu Comments for both technical reports are due by close of business on February 22, 2016. Comment guidelines are...